So, there's this boy.
He kinda stole my heart.
He calls me "Mom".

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


The circus was in town a couple of weeks ago and my friend Wendy and I took our boys to see the show.
 First circus for 3 sweet boys.
 Serious circus watching.
 This is awful picture quality, but wanted to have it for Landon because these white tigers were his favorite.
It was a fun night with sweet friends.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

Landon and I headed to the pumpkin patch after church this morning.  It was perfect weather for a day at the pumpkin patch--sunny with a cool breeze.
 My little guy waiting for the hay ride.
Love this picture!
 Landon had more fun climbing on the pumpkins and rolling them around than he did jumping in the bounce houses!
 My sweet boy and me.

 Ready for a train ride.
When we got in the car to leave the pumpkin patch Landon said, "Mom, that was the most perfect day ever!"  :)

A little trip down memory lane....
 18 months old

Love that happy face!

Pumpkin Carving

I love all things fall...carving pumpkins, pumpkin patches, spicy smelling candles, cool nights, baking, and most importantly snuggling with my little guy on crisp fall evenings.
 Being the last weekend before Halloween, we had to get our pumpkin carving skills on.  
Landon with our pumpkin before the carving began.
 Let's do this!
 My serious pumpkin carver!  He took his job of tracing the outline of the jack-o-lanterns face very seriously.
 Landon with the finished product.  We had to move our new jack-o-lantern friend to the back patio because he was smelly!!
Our attempt at a self portrait with our new friend!

Sweet memories with a sweet boy.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Landon is such a mommy's boy and I just love it!  He says some of the sweetest things and I want to write them down so I don't forget them.
 He drew two red hearts on a piece of paper and put them on the night stand and said, "Mommy, leave these two hearts right here so you will know how much I love you when you look at them."  Oh my?!?.....Pure sweetness!!
 He was spending time with his dad the other day and before he left he told me, "Mom, I'm going to call you and check on you to make sure you are doing okay."
 He held a book up to me the other day and flipped the pages and told me that he loved me more than all the pages in the book.
 He will be sweeping girls off their feet when he grows up if he continues with his sweet words.
I just love his tender and sweet heart.  I sure hope he never loses it. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Landon and I went to NB this past weekend to help mom celebrate her 52nd birthday!
 Landon picked out her cookie cake and was just so excited to give it to her along with her birthday present.
 Looks like a sweet boy can't wait to dig into some ice cream!!
   Mom wishing she was still 25.  :)  She didn't even realize that the 5 was upside down.  Ha!
 Landon loves his grandpa and the special bond they share with their love of M&M's.

 Aunt Brittney and Landon
Sweet smiles!
So glad we could help mom celebrate her birthday!  We are so lucky to have her in our lives.
Happy Birthday, Mom!  We love you!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Shower Time

My ray of sunshine!
 Landon has decided that he only likes to take showers now!
This boy is growing up way too fast for me.  :(
Why can't I have eyelashes like that?!?